Happy Valentine's Day to all. Today was a funny & sweet day.
It started out with cleaning up what we call "shooey" off the playroom floor. It was actually funny. I looked over at William, without a diaper on (not typical attire, but we were headed to the tub), and noticed him sitting with something between his legs. As I walked closer, it was "IT" - what I've heard happen to other girlfriends, had happened to me. Then . . . William stuck his finger in "IT", held it up to me and said, "PooPoo". Yes, my sweetheart - that is "PooPoo". I couldn't help but laugh. "PooPoo".
The day ended with another bath (no potty stories to tell) and a story. After we prayed, William squirmed out of my lap and walked to the crib and pointed inside. He was done cuddling and loving - he was ready for bed. Sad, but ohh so very sweet. I can't believe the little 5 pounder that came home from the hospital - like yesterday - can walk to his crib and communicate that he is ready to go to bed. Does that seem weird to anyone else? Tell me I'm not alone on this.
My sister recently had her first child. We were talking a couple days before Sofia arrived, and Steph was telling me what she thought Sofi's personality would be like. I never thought about that. At least I don't remember wondering what our little guy's personality would be. Well, William may be "all Brad" when it comes to his physical makeup - but his social behavior isn't "all Brad". Though - I'm not sure it's me either. He is truly one social little guy. As his vocabulary blossoms it is more apparent. A couple weeks ago I was strolling him down the sidewalk on the beach in Ft Lauderdale. As people came into William's view he would raise his arm and very clearly and loudly say, "HI". Usually they would respond. After they passed he would lean out the side of his stroller and say, "Byeeee". It made me smile every time. We went to an indoor playground recently - William starts running through saying HI to everyone. It was so cute. I especially like watching him get in older toddlers faces and smiling so big . . . like he's saying, "Hey, you look pretty cool. Wanna go tear it up out there????"

I'm sure if I had thought about his personality prior to his birth - that would not have been how I would have imagined him. He's so much better and more fun than either Brad or I could have dreamed. I remember my dad telling my sister and me when we were kids, "I like you guys." (On a side note: he liked me best :). Brad and I feel the same about our child - we really like him.