A season has now passed in our lives. In Brad's life. In our family's life. IBMs time has come and gone as of midnight last night.
I think for a long time we expected Brad would be an 'IBMer' until he retired. But given his job climate this year, we were both feeling like IBMs time had come and gone for our family but we didn't know what that meant. What does it mean?
God has another plan.
When we found out he would be moving on, I felt very unsettled. But I knew, I know God is faithful and He would undoubtedly provide.
And He has.
Brad will start his new job at the beginning of August. So for the next 2 1/2 weeks what will we do?
What we love to do.
Go on vacation.
It does seem appropriate. Like a celebration. Saying good bye to the old and looking forward with excitement and anticipation for what lies ahead.