This month she has learned to hold her own bottle for an entire feeding. She started the month reaching for things like GiGi's necklace, toys on the exercauser, and her teething rings. She has gotten a hold of the dogs' ears on a couple occasions.
She has been eating cereal and baby food for a couple weeks. Now she is reaching for her food - we can't get it in her fast enough. I think I can thank my mother for this - I caught her sneaking M Wright's cake. Last week I discovered she has 2 teeth that have broken through her gums.
She is rolling over (FINALLY) on a regular basis, though she does not like being on her tummy. We've come in to get her out of her bed several times and she is laying on her stomach - and is pisssssssed.
She can sit up by herself for a good 10 seconds now.
It amazes me how quickly she is growing. I sit in the rocking chair holding her and think back to when we brought her home from the hospital. And then I think back, or at least try to think back, to Wm when he was the same age. I just can't remember. It's very unfortunate. Did I cherish the time with him? I do with her. I look at him now and can't believe how verbal and smart and fun he is. How gorgeous his smile is. But did I cherish him and each milestone that he reached? I'll never know. But I do know that I am reveling in every moment with both of them now. I don't want to miss anything!
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