This past week 2 friends announced their engagement to wonderful women. We could not be happier for these guys! One of them was telling us how he proposed and as he recounted the event he was noticeably flighty and shaky yet smiling and excited all at the same time. How wonderful young love is. Not to be confused with their age - I'm not saying that - just that new fresh love. Hearing their love story and their excitement while talking about their future life mates makes me nostalgic.
I think back to when Brad & I met. The butterflies. The nervous sweat. How exciting it was just to talk on the phone with him. The first time we held hands. Our first date. Our engagement and how he 'popped the question'. Our perfect wedding day and incredible honeymoon.
I wouldn't go back. Our life is great. But those were good times that I don't often sit around and daydream about. I went through a bunch of old photos and loved reminiscing. Here are some highlights.

Skiing in CO on a Singles Trip while we were dating.

Magic Kingdom day trip while we were dating. I kept expecting him to propose while at Disney. Thankfully, he didn't. I thought his proposal site was perfect.

Brad proposed on a boat trip in Naples. At sunset.

Our wedding - 6 weeks later.

another wedding pose.
Honeymoon Photos - 5 years and 11 months ago . . .

Trevi Fountain in Roma.

Colosseum in Roma.

Pisa. That would be the leaning tower.
Great times. But nearly 6 years later - we've had even more memorable ones. Just to name a few . . .

2005 - Rockefeller Center, NYC

2006 - our new found friends from
cooking school in Tuscany

2006 - Tuscany

2007 - Sunrise at 10K feet above sea level on top of
Haleakala in Maui

2007 - Maui
And, of course,

I said I was feeling nostalgic.
To our soon-to-be-wed friends: We wish you many wonderful moments that you too will blog about!!! We can't wait to see what your future holds (though William is praying for 'baby Moses' for the Fall bride & groom. I know, a bit premature. No baby prayers for the Summer couple . . . yet.)!
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