We just discovered her third tooth. Now 2 on the bottom, one on top. She's getting ready for steaks in June with Uncle Steve & clan! She's heard her daddy talk about the 'Grill Master' in Illinois and wanted to make sure she got in on the goodies.
She's trying so hard to crawl too (pics below). She can get her knees up under her body and push. But big girl can't hold up her torso at the same time. I find it amazing how she is growing so quickly.
I don't know if I'm the only mom that does this, but I find myself not wanting her to grow so quickly. I remember with William being so anxious for him to go to the next step. He started to drool and I kept checking for teeth. Then he got one, and I kept looking for the second one. Then the third one, etc. Once he started to crawl, I couldn't wait for him to walk. Then I couldn't wait until he was tall enough to ride the kiddie rides at Busch Gardens. Then I couldn't wait until he could talk in full sentences. Then it was carry on a little conversation. I didn't stop to enjoy the stage he was in, I was always looking for the next one.
With Madelyn, I'm totally different. I am slightly disappointed as she moves to the next stage of development, looking back often. I don't know why. It's so odd to me.
Either way, anxious for the next stage or slightly saddened by the new stage, it doesn't seem to stop or hurry along development. My little people are developing at the rate God himself intended.
Here are some pics of Maddie trying her hardest to crawl.
stomp on her butt and don't let that baby crawl! I dropped Andrew off at his first day of summer school today and bawled like a baby the whole way home. They grow faster and you can't make it stop. sigh. Your family is stunning! Miss you. Need a girls' night out.
stomp on her butt and don't let that baby crawl! I dropped Andrew off at his first day of summer school today and bawled like a baby the whole way home. They grow faster and you can't make it stop. sigh. Your family is stunning! Miss you. Need a girls' night out.
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