It's the first time either of the kids have been up there & it was a totally new experience. First of all, traveling by plane with 2 kids was . . . OK. Not horrible. Not easy. But then again, airports post 9.11 aren't easy - even without kids.
We went for a week so we got to spend a lot of time with Brad's brother and family.
One day we went on the boat. As you can see, William got to help uncle Steve drive.
Another day we drove 30 minutes south to visit the town where my dad grew up. We hit the places that I remember most.
The church my grandparents attended and my grandfather helped build.
And then . . . the donut shop.
I remember my grandparents having these sugary treats around the house during the summer. Last year my dad had a craving for "cream horns" and had a couple dozen shipped to him in Florida. I remember loving them as a child. And now, my children got to try them and they are also big fans of the "cream horn". Evidence follows . . .
Remember, I said this trip was a totally new experience. Besides the lake & boat trip - another new experience was the farm across the street from my brother-in-law's house. He took Brad & William over to feed the cows.
Anyone remember fireflies? Or lightning bugs? I remember catching them and pulling there little "light butts" off. Quite cruel now that I think about it. Well, Brad and William spent several nights hunting the lightning bugs. William finally got one in his insect container. He was so excited. He did NOT pull the insect apart.
Saturday finally arrived. This was William's first time in a tux. How handsome he looked.
The wedding was smack dab in the middle of nap time. Can I hear a, "Ohhhhh noooo" from any other preschooler parents? I was very concerned it was going to be a disaster and that he would totally ruin the wedding.
He did not.
Especially if you exclude the part when he left his spot at the front of the church and walked in front of the pastor who was mid-speech and then jumped over the bride's train. Yes, he jumped over her train. Uh huh. Yep. BUT - he didn't stomp on it.
Then there was the part when he proceeded back up the aisle he had just walked down picking up the flowers the flower girl had dropped.
I know my son. He is a handful with a nap. Given the time of the ceremony + no nap . . . it could have been worse.
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