Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Wm and SoSo at MGM. The closest either of them have been to snow.

in front of the manger scene at MGM
Farmers at MGM's Osborne Lights

Madelyn enjoying the "Dancing Lights" at MGM

Daddy, Wm, and me in front of the Osborne Lights at MGM

Friday, November 23, 2007


MiMi and PopPop with their grandbabies.

I set a separate table for William and SoSo.


MiMi and Madelyn


This was so cute. SoSo wanted to help feed Madelyn. She was so excited.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A couple of William's "Firsts"

August 2, 2007. First day of school. He's 3.
First night of Kid's Praise. September 2007.
First time on stage. Nov 20, 2007.
His school's Thanksgiving Celebration.

Monday, November 05, 2007


Madelyn, William, and me at EPCOT. Madelyn is 2 days shy of 1 month old.
Mid-October at Magic Kingdom. William whips out the map and says, "Let's see what we going to do."

William and SoSo holding hands walking through the mall.

Crazy kid climbing 15 feet up off the ground.

Picture we took for my mom's BDay.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Autumn Fest

William dressed up as a race car driver. Sofia dressed up as a ladybug. Madelyn slept thru the whole thing. The kids had a lot of fun!

William, followed by Thomas, scaling the inflatable rock climbing wall.

petting the bunny in the Petting Zoo

Holding on to the donkey in the Petting Zoo

Taking a short horseback ride.

Coming down the huge inflatable slide - on his belly. It apparently is boring to come down on your bottom.

I can thank my sister for this cute little trick he learned . . . closing his eyes and smiling for the picture.