Sunday, December 14, 2008

. . . . . . . . . is PREGNANT

Before anyone freaks out - I asked a dear friend if I could blog about their incredibly exciting news.
She said yes.
So here it goes . . .

Abby & Patrick are expecting!!!!


I can't tell you how exciting this is.
In fact, I am more excited for them than I was when I found out Brad & I were expecting. Not that I wasn't excited to have a life growing inside me - but nausea and food aversions did put a damper on my ever expanding belly.

Seeing the sonogram of 'Baby S' waving brings tears to my eyes. Life is so precious and I am so excited that our dear friends are finally experiencing this new life for themselves. They are going to be great parents.

My heart races as I think about what lies ahead for mommy-to-be and daddy-to-be. Feeling 'Baby S' kicking. Finding out whether the baby will be wearing a jersey next football season or a cheerleading outfit. (Steph is predicting a girl :)
Decorating the nursery. Ohhh - all the shopping to get ready for baby. That precious first time they hold their child in their arms. Tears. Introducing their new addition to their incredibly excited friends and family that will be pounding on the hospital door to be let in to hold their tiny gift. Heart racing. The day they dedicate 'Baby S' to the Lord who has blessed them so. Tears. Raising our kids together!

Ahhh - your time is here! June is right around the corner. How awesome!

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