Tuesday, March 11, 2008


How much do you spend at Disney in a morning? What is the smallest amount you've spent?
Yesterday was a prize winning day if there were a prize to be won for the least amount of money spent at Magic Kingdom. Though, I'm pretty certain that Disney won't be issuing the award.
AND the $3.15, well, I bought gummy treats for W. Which I brought home for little rewards when W has obedient good behavior.
I took W & M to Disney for the 'morning' by myself - if you can call 11am to 3pm the 'morning'. We had a great time. It was do-able. I did break down and use the kiddie harnish on W. But with a double stroller, I was able to do it.

This is the first time I've taken Wm on the carousel.

Why is it boys don't do it the typical, "normal" way?

They jump instead of walk down stairs.
They don't avoid a puddle of water - they search the puddles out to walk through them.
They don't go down the slide feet first, but head first.
And . . . why use a doorway when they can squeeze through the window.

It is beyond me . . . but I do find it oh so cute.

William pooped out after running pretty hard at Pooh's play area. Here he is taking a rest in the window sill.

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